
Film Treatment for: The Jimmie Angel Story

TITLE:  The Jimmie Angel Story  WRITER/CONTACT:  Rob Fulfer - - 615-260-0916 LOGLINE: Angel Falls, the tallest waterfall in the world, was "discovered" by and named for pilot, Jimmie Angel, an American aviator in 1933.  Angel, his wife and two other passengers returned to the Venezuelan falls in 1937 and crash-landed on the remote table-top mountain that the falls descend from.  A harrowing 11-day journey by foot got them back to civilization safely.  OPENING SCENE:  A soaring reenactment of the historic first siting of what would become known as Angel Falls from the cockpit of Jimmie Angel's plane.   ACT ONE:  Broke aviator, Jimmie Angel, gets an intriguing offer from a wealthy gentleman in a bar in Panama to fly him to Venezuela in search of gold.  There is gold found, but also an amazing natural wonder.   When his rich, wealthy benefactor does not return for more fights as promised, Jimmie's back at square one again.  ACT TWO:  Despite Jimmie

Film Treatment for "The Shohola Five"

 TITLE:  The Shohola Five WRITER/CONTACT:  Rob Fulfer - - 615-260-0916 LOGLINE: Five mysterious survivors of The Great Shohola Train Wreck at the end of the Civil War go on to take part in other future disastrous events in American History OPENING SCENE:  A reenactment of the historic and horrific train wreck that occurred near Shohola, Pennsylvania, in July 1864 as the Civil War was drawing to a close.  ACT ONE:  Five survivors of the wreck, all Confederate prisoners, are able to slip away during the melee each vowing to avenge their compatriots who were not so lucky as to survive the wreck or the war.   Short intros and back stories of each of the five survivors.  ACT TWO:  Survivor 1 meets up with John Wilkes Booth and other conspirators in Washington D.C. in April of 1865.  In November of the same year, he witnesses the public hanging of Henry Wirz, the only Confederate office executed as a war criminal.  Survivor 2 secretly helps sabotage the Sultana steamboat